You probably thought Vivian’s real hair color was red. Well, here’s a shocker: it’s actually blonde. In the movie, she dons a blonde wig when she first meets Edward, but the next morning, she lets her red hair free, stunning not only Edward but the audience as well. Now that you know it’s hair dye, did you know that Julia had to get an emergency hair touch-up after one particular scene we all love?
If you guessed the bathroom scene where she’s sitting in a ridiculous amount of bubbles and singing her heart out, you’re right. In order to get that amount of thick, foamy bubbles, a lot of a specific kind of detergent was used. But it was so strong that it ripped the red hair dye straight out of Julia’s hair. In preparation to film the next scene, her hair had to be re-dyed later that night.

Speaking of hair dye, it wasn’t just Julia who had to get her hair dyed; Richard did too. But his was more of Photoshop than an actual dye job. In the iconic movie poster, Edward’s hair is jet black, very different from the gray he sports in the film. Apparently, it also had to be touched up with some Photoshop to probably make him seem younger.
Vivian was not left out and also had a bit of Photoshop done on the movie poster as well. She might have done all of the lovey-dovey scenes herself, but the producers decided they wanted just her head on the poster. So, they got her body double, Shelly Michelle, to pose for the photo and then just Photoshopped Julia’s head onto it. A rather interesting choice, don’t you agree?

Numerous pre-shoot changes: the original script of the movie was written by J.F. Lawton. His version was to be a dark drama detailing the life of a Hollywood prostitute who starts a relationship with some hotshot businessman that doesn’t end well.
Eventually, the director and producers decided a whimsical, fairy tale-like story would be much better for audiences, as the original script detailed issues like explicit substance addiction and its aftereffects. The movie was meant to be a gritty drama, but once Disney got the rights to the film and director Gary Marshall came on board, they decided to switch it up a notch and give the people a good love story.