While there is a movement in how people view beauty in American and the world at large

Currently, the average American woman wears between sizes sixteen and eighteen, representing the lower end of plus sizes. It’s time for the fashion industry to reflect this reality and design clothing that fits real women, rather than adhering to outdated standards represented by unrealistically thin models.

The study advocates for updating size categories in clothing design. With the average American woman’s size increasing, it’s crucial for fashion to adapt accordingly. Clothing should evolve to fit modern body types, rather than forcing women into sizes that no longer reflect the average body.

Dunn and Deborah Christel, co-author and faculty members in apparel merchandising, design, and textiles at Washington State University, have demonstrated that the average American woman now shops for sizes 16 and 18, not 2. It’s up to the fashion industry to align with this change or risk falling behind as trends continue to evolve.

What are your thoughts on this shift in fashion standards?

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