Who Is This Actor, Who Was Living With $150 A Month, And Now Has A Farm With His Family

The renowned and charismatic 65-year-old actor has had an extraordinary journey in the movie industry. From his modest beginnings in Philadelphia to his success in Hollywood, his story is truly inspiring. Let’s delve into some pivotal moments in his career.

A Surprising Turn to Television

Before his television success, he was hesitant about working on TV. In a recent interview, he confessed that if his agent had proposed doing a series, he would have fired them! However, everything changed when he met his actress wife, Kyra Sedgwick. Love has a funny way of altering our plans, doesn’t it?

Love and Inspiration

Kevin Bacon shared how much he enjoyed working with Sedgwick on the show they starred in together. Watching her transform into different characters inspired him. He cherished attending award ceremonies with Sedgwick, much like Meryl Streep. Their mutual love and support have been crucial to their success.

From a Tight Budget to Stardom

In 1976, Bacon moved from Philadelphia to New York with just $150 for the entire month. He found a place in a flophouse for artists, actors, and musicians. Despite the tough living conditions, Bacon’s acting career flourished, transforming his life for the better.

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