Son Runs Away from Home at 16, Comes Back at 29 to Find Only a Note in Deserted House

As a newly graduated doctor, Joey celebrated with Mr. Clark, who toasted his success. Filled with anticipation, Joey returned to his hometown, only to find his childhood home abandoned.

The overgrown grass and dusty windows revealed years of neglect. Joey’s panic grew as he searched the house, finding no trace of his mother. He called her number repeatedly, but no one answered. Regret washed over him as he realized how foolish he had been for not contacting her.

In the fireplace, he found a half-burnt letter addressed to him. Tears welled up as he read:

“Joey, sweetie, I miss you so much. Where did you leave me and go? I wish you had never left. Please come back, Joey. I miss you to the core. This silence around me is killing me…”

Determined to find his mother, Joey sought help. An old neighbor, Mr. Colins, revealed that Flora had been taken to the hospital. Joey rushed to the hospital, fearing the worst.

“MOM!” he exclaimed upon finding her room. Flora’s eyes fluttered open, and she embraced Joey tightly. “JOEY…my boy!” she cried, tears of joy streaming down her face.

Joey apologized for not calling or visiting earlier, confessing his fears of disappointing her. Flora brushed aside his apologies, eager to hear about his journey. Joey shared his struggles in the city and how Mr. Clark’s scholarship helped him become a doctor. He revealed his plans to rebuild the farm and insisted that Flora move in with him in the city until the farmhouse was restored.

Flora agreed without hesitation. After years of separation, neither wanted to be apart again, even for a second.

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